quick to knit) hat! There has been a particular need for hats with ear flaps to keep out the cold Midwest winds and I have just finished a kid's version with a pocket on the back holding a tiny coordinating doll. The picture to the left is of the back of the hats. My daughter and I each knit one so they're a bit different. Mine has a rounded striped pocket while hers has a more pointy embroidered pocket.
Another project is to use up as much yarn from my stash as possible (so's I can buy more). There are lots of interesting yarns in my "studio-in-a-closet" as I call it, but some of them are becoming, well, stale. They're good yarns -they just need a new purpose in life. Sadly, I have forgotten what the original purpose was for some of them. I have more experience to go on now so I'm sure I will come up with a better purpose for them than the original.
Well back to knitting mittens and stash re-evaluating! Happy new year.
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